If you try some of these suggestions and still have trouble with bugs, give us a call (314-567-2060).
We will gladly help evaluate the situation and offer our services.
While our instincts are to grab a can of the strongest bug spray we can find and saturate everything with it, a better idea would be to stop and think through the situation. Bug spray will kill that one cockroach or line of ants, but just as with other "pests," if you don't know how they got in, you will soon be back to square one. Also, insecticides are potent chemicals, not to be taken lightly simply because you can obtain them easily and cheaply. Try safer alternatives first. Further, these chemicals rarely, if ever, only target one type of insect. Many of the beneficial bugs, our pollinators (butterflies, bees, caterpillars, 'fire-flies' and more) will also die. Spiders, although scary to some, are one of the absolute best natural defenses against bugs in the bug world. Mantis, wasps, ants, and other insects also eat other insects and are extremely valuable in our environments.
Many of our back-yard neighbors such as skunks, opossums, bats, mice to name just a few, are also expert insect eaters.
Many plants, herbs, spices, and essential oils work quite well at repelling bugs and insects. Pungent smelling plants and spices, like eucalyptus leaves and cloves are good choices. Ground cloves sprinkled along entryways, for example, can work very well for stopping ants. Numerous essential oils have bug repellent properties. Some of the best are cedarwood (those old cedar chests were built for a reason!), citronella, peppermint, lemon eucalyptus, and cypress. See below for a sampling of recipes.
Outdoor garden bugs-
can often be controlled with repellents, like castor and neem oil. Check out our page on Yard Critters for more advice and recipes.
Obviously, you have to use a little common sense even when handling "safer" substances - Avoid eye contact and prolonged skin contact, because some undiluted essential oils can cause irritation; do not ingest the oils; if you are pregnant or nursing it is always a good idea to ask your healthcare practitioner if you should handle particular materials.
Suggestions for Keeping Bugs at Bay
Where pests are concerned, nothing is a sure thing. You can do everything right – keep your house spotless, store food correctly, de-clutter – and still have a cockroach or two. That said, the following are some steps you can take to minimize the presence of some unwanted visitors to your home. For general tips and tricks regarding managing wildlife conflict on your own, please visit our What You Can Do page.
We DO NOT recommend the use of these and similar products. Insecticides are potent chemicals, not to be taken lightly simply because you can obtain them easily and cheaply. Try safer alternatives first. Further, these chemicals rarely, if ever, only target one type of insect. Many of the beneficial bugs, our pollinators (butterflies, bees, caterpillars, 'fire-flies' and more) will also die. Spiders, although scary to some, are one of the absolute best natural defenses against bugs in the bug world and most are even cannibals. Mantis, wasps, ants, and other insects also eat other insects and are extremely valuable in our environments.
Beneficial Nematodes
These naturally occurring insects are insect hunters. They eat specific insect eggs, larvae, and some adult insects. Since these animals are a natural part of the environment, used in conjunction with prevention techniques, these ore potentially the greatest way to safely reduce insect populations, and maintain a healthy environment for all populations of wildlife in your ecosystem (including you!). See web site listed below for more information on this and other nematode solutions.
Websites that offer information on insects in more detail. Click a link below to find out more!
*No endorsement of specific brands, any product line, or any individual product, or company, or entity
by Humane Wildlife Solutions is implied or intended by inclusion here.*